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Forgotten Lands: Online

System Recommendations

Operating System Windows 10+ (.Net Framework 4.6.2), OSX 10.10+ (w/Mono), Various Linux Distros (w/Mono)
Processor Intel i3 or Better
Memory 2 GB RAM
Graphics 1 GB VRAM
Network Broadband Internet connection
Storage 1 GB available space

*although it is possible to play on OSX, we do not currently have support for issues with it.

Alternatively, you can download the game directly!

Direct download:
File size: 8.88MB
Last updated: Dec 2022

Download > Unzip > Auto-update > Play!

Windows install guide...

To play Forgotten Lands Online, simply download the .zip file, extract, and open "Forgotten Lands Online.exe" to play the game!

1. Download the game downloader (.zip file)

2. Unzip the .zip file you just downloaded. (

3. Run the file called "Forgotten Lands Online.exe" to launch the downloader. Likely some "Windows protected your PC" warning will appear. You need to click the "More info" -> then click "Run Anyway."

Screenshot 2022 12 08 194703

4. The game will automatically download and check for updates when it is launched. Wait for the game to finish downloading. If you get any kind of error while the game is downloading, just close the game and reopen it again. It should fix the issue by itself.

5. Create an account (you do not need to verify your email), create a character, and play the game!

Linux install guide...

To play Forgotten Lands Online on Linux OS, simply download and unzip the installer file, and then run "Forgotten Lands Online.exe" with mono.

To play the game on Linux, you must have Mono installed.

(get help: then select your version of Linux.)

1. Download the game installer (.zip file)

2. Unzip the .zip file you just downloaded. (

 unzip -d directoryOfChoice

(get more help:

3. Run the game file "Forgotten Lands Online.exe" with mono!

 mono "Forgotten Lands Online.exe"

4. The game will automatically download and check for updates when it is launched. Wait for the game to finish downloading. If you get any kind of error while the game is downloading, just close the game and reopen it again. It should fix the issue by itself.

5. Create an account (you do not need to verify your email), create a character, and play the game!

If you need any help, please contact us on Discord!

Server time is 12:34 (Day 6)

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Forgotten Lands: Online © 2024 All Rights Reserved.
Developed and published by IZAKTLY STUDIO.

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