Monster and combat NPCs...
You'll gain EXP when you kill monsters and other combat NPCs. They also have a chance to drop items when killed.
Chicken (Lv 1)...
Located around the Chef in Scepia.Spider (Lv 2)...
Located around southern Scepia.Rat (Lv 3)...
Located around southern Scepia, near the water.Green Slime 1 (Lv 3)...
Located randomly around Scepia, nearby monsters of the same combat level.Cave Spider (Lv 4)...
Located inside the Spider Cavern, in Scepia.Cave Bat (Lv 5)...
Located inside the Spider Cavern, in Scepia.Drakiid (Lv 5)...
Located in south-west Scepia, and also inside the Drakiid Den.Bull (Lv 7)...
Located around western Scepia, and inside the Mossy Grotto.Green Slime 2 (Lv 7)...
Located randomly around Scepia, nearby monsters of the same combat level.Purple Slime 1 (Lv 7)...
Located randomly around Scepia, nearby monsters of the same combat level.Sandworm 1 (Lv 8)...
Located inside the Drakiid Den, in Scepia.Skeleton (Lv 9)...
Located around eastern Scepia, and inside Krojan's Tomb. ...Goblin 1 (Lv 10)...
Located in south-eastern Scepia.Lich (Lv 11)...
Located in north-eastern Scepia.Goblin 2 (Lv 12)...
Located in south-eastern Scepia.Goblin 3 (Lv 13)...
Located in south-eastern Scepia.Hound (Lv 14)...
Located around northern Scepia.Drake (Lv 14)...
Located inside the Drakiid Den, in Scepia.Sandworm 2 (Lv 15)...
Located inside the Drakiid Den, in Scepia.Green Slime 3 (Lv 15)...
Located randomly around Scepia, nearby monsters of the same combat level.Purple Slime 2 (Lv 15)...
Located randomly around Scepia, nearby monsters of the same combat level.Great Bull (Lv 17)...
Located around north-western Scepia.Skeleton Warrior (Lv 19)...
Located inside Krojan's Tomb, in Scepia.Skeleton Mage (Lv 21)...
Located inside Krojan's Tomb, in Scepia.Ogre (Lv 24)...
Located around north-western Scepia, and inside the Corrupt Sepulcher.Beast (Lv 26)...
Located inside the Corrupt Sepulcher, in Scepia.Unholy Spirit (Lv 27)...
Located inside the Corrupt Sepulcher, in Scepia.Phantom Knight (Lv 29)...
Located inside the Corrupt Sepulcher, in Scepia.[this page was last updated on November 10 2024]